To promote Schiphol Airport during Chinese New Year we developed an interactive H5 game. H5 is short for HTML5, the mobile version of websites opened in mobile browsers. In China, H5 is often used in WeChat to seamlessly integrate a marketing campaign with the WeChat ecosystem. Nicely designed H5 pages or games allow brands to stand out from the crowd and communicate in accordance with their corporate design guidelines. For this particular H5 campaign, our team created a customized game. The game stars Miffy, who is immensely popular in China. The game was shared via Schiphol’s WeChat Official Account. The top 10 followers with the highest scores received festive CNY Miffy gifts. In addition, if followers shared the game page with other people, they would get an extra ‘life’ which allowed them to play one more time. The campaign was a big success and resulted in many new followers to the Official Account!

Scan QR code to see Schipol Airport H5 campaign